Terms & Conditions

Element Events Limited – Terms and Conditions of Sale

Element Events Limited (Organiser) organises and provides events to participants throughout New Zealand, including providing tickets for entry into those events. By purchasing a ticket for an event organised and provided by the Organiser, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully.

The Organiser will not be liable for any failure or delay in providing the event for which you have purchased a ticket if:


  1. The failure or delay arises directly or indirectly from an event or circumstance unforeseeable or reasonably beyond the Organiser’s control and not arising from the insolvency, or an intentional act or omission, of the Organiser (force majeure event). A force majeure event includes but is not limited to the following:
    1. act of God;
    2. earthquake, flood, fire, storm and adverse weather conditions or natural events for which provision could not reasonably have been made;
    3. interruption or failure of any utility services;
    4. unpredictable delays which could not reasonably be prevented in delivery of materials, equipment or services;
    5. sabotage, riot, civil disturbance, explosion, terrorist acts, epidemic, pandemic, national emergency, or act of war;
    6. governmental restraint, sanction, expropriation, prohibition, intervention, direction or embargo;
    7. strike, lockout, work stoppage or other labour hindrance; and
  2. the Organiser complies with clause (c) below.
  3. If the Organiser wishes to rely on clause (a) it will:
    1. give you written notice as soon as possible after becoming aware of a force majeure event or likelihood of a force majeure event;
    2. in that notice, provide details of the nature, expected duration and effect of the force majeure event; and
    3. keep you informed of any material changes in the nature of the cause and of the cessation of the force majeure event.
  4. Due to the committed costs of organising events, if a force majeure event occurs, the Organiser may, in its sole discretion:
    1. provide a full refund for the ticket(s) purchased; or
    2. provide a partial refund for ticket(s) purchased; or
    3. transfer the ticket(s) to an alternative event date; or
    4. decline to provide any refund.
  5. The Organiser shall be entitled to vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time and you shall be bound by such variation from the date that updated Terms and Conditions are made available to you.



Run for good